Bucharest, 23 June 2021 –During today’s meeting, the Financial Supervisory Authority’s Board (A.S.F.) has approved some measures with regard to the operation of non-banking supervised financial markets – insurance, capital market and private pensions, as follows:
A) Regulation
The draft rule amending and supplementing the A.S.F. Rule no. 4/2018 on the management of operational risks generated by information systems used by authorized/licensed/registered entities, regulated and/or supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority (the draft will be published for 15 days on www.asfromania.ro for public consultation).
The rule amending and supplementing the A.S.F. Rule no. 28/2017 regarding the use of the net personal assets of the participant to a voluntary pension fund (the rule will be sent for publication to the Official Gazette of Romania);
The rule amending the A.S.F. Rule no. 1/2015 regarding the adherence and registration of the participants to the privately managed pension funds (the rule will be submitted for publication to the Official Gazette of Romania).
The rule amending and supplementing the A.S.F. Rule no. 18/2018 on the adherence and registration of the participants in the voluntary pensions funds (the rule will be submitted for publication to the Official Gazette of Romania);
The rule amending the A.S.F. Rule no. 26/2014 on the transfer of participants between privately managed pension funds; (the rule will be submitted for publication to the Official Gazette of Romania);
The rule amending the A.S.F. Rule no. 14/2006 regarding the transfer of the participants between the voluntary pension funds (the rule will be submitted for publication to the Official Gazette of Romania);
The rule amending and supplementing the A.S.F. Rule no. 3/2013 on the marketing activity of the privately managed pension fund, approved by the Decision of the Supervisory Commission of the Private Pension System no. 5/2013. (the rule will be submitted for publication to the Official Gazette of Romania);
The rule amending and supplementing the A.S.F. Rule no. 16/2013 on the marketing activity of the voluntary pension fund (the rule will be submitted for publication to the Official Gazette of Romania).
B) Authorization
Approval of the SSIF Bursa Română de Mărfuri S.A. (Romanian Commodities Exchange) application regarding the establishment and management of the organized trading system Bursa Romana de Mărfuri - organized trading system and the operating rules of this system.
Authorization of Evergent Investments S.A. as an alternative investment fund for retail investors (F.I.A.I.R.) with the depositary BRD-Groupe Societe Generale S.A.;
Approval of the amendment to the documents considered at the time of registration of S.C. Fondul Proprietatea S.A., respectively the company’s Deposit Agreement;
Approval of the amendment to the documents of the open-end investment funds OTP AvantisRO, OTP Obligațiuni, OTP ComodisRO, OTP Euro Bond, OTP Dollar Bond, OTP Global Mix, OTP Dinamic, OTP Premium Return, OTP Expert and OTP Real Estate&Construction, managed by OTP Asset Management România SAI S.A.;
Approval of the amendment to the documents of the open-end investment funds Patria Stock, Patria Global, Patria Obligațiuni and Patria Euro Obligațiuni, managed by SAI Patria Asset Management S.A.;
Approval of the amendment to the documents of the open-end investment fund Plus Invest, managed by SAI Muntenia Invest S.A.;
Approval of the amendment to the documents of the open-end investment funds Fix Invest, Prosper Invest, Fortuna Classic and Fortuna Gold, managed by S.A.I. Broker S.A.;
Approval of the amendment to the documents of the open-end investment funds Certinvest Prudent, Certinvest Dinamic, Certinvest Obligațiuni, Certinvest BET-FI Index, Certinvest BET Index and Certinvest XT Index, managed by SAI Certinvest S.A.;
Issuing a decision confirming that L`Oreal România S.R.L., engaged in intra-group transactions with over-the-counter derivatives with Finval SAS France, benefits from the exception to the reporting obligation, based on article 9 para. (1) of Regulation (EU) no. 648/2012 (EMIR);
Approval of the alteration of the share capital and authorization of the amendment of the Articles of Incorporation of NN Asigurări de Viață S.A.