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    Decisions adopted by the Financial Supervisory Authority Board - 18.07.2019

Decisions adopted by the Financial Supervisory Authority Board - 18.07.2019

Bucharest, 18th of July 2019 –At today's meeting, the Board of Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) approved measures regarding the operating framework of supervised non-bank financial markets - insurance, capital market and private pensions, including.

A)  Regulation

The Regulation for amending the ASF Regulation no. 12/2018 for the implementation of certain provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 1.286 / 2014 on key information documents for structured and insurance-based individual investment products - PRIIP (the Regulation will be submitted for publication to the Official Gazette of Romania);

Norm for the modification of the Norm of the Financial Supervisory Authority no. 11/2015 regarding the share capital of the administrator of the privately managed pension fund and amending Norm no. 8/2010 on the authorization of private pension funds administrators, taking over the management of voluntary pension funds and the organization of assets and liabilities at the level of private pension fund managers approved through the Private Pensions Supervisory Commission Decision no. 15/2010 (the Regulation will be submitted for publication to the Official Gazette of Romania).

B)  Supervision

The results of the unexpected control performed at Makler-Sig Broker Insurance Company S.R.L., as well as the withdrawal, upon request, of the company's authorization;

The results of the periodical control performed at BCR Pensions Private Pension Funds Management Company S.A. as the administrator of F.P.A.P. BCR and F.P.F. BCR Plus.

C)  Authorization

Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of Impuls Broker de Asigurare S.R.L. (appointment of administrator, modification of articles);

Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of Loyalty Insurance Broker S.R.L. (assignment of shares, structure of associates, new administrator mandate);

Amendment to the Articles of Association of Asigest Broker de Asigurari-Reasigurare S.A. (change shareholder name);

Amendments in the documents of the open investment fund OTP Real Estate & Construction managed by OTP Asset Management Romania SAI S.A .;

Issuance of the Share Registration Certificate issued by Banca Transilvania S.A. Cluj-Napoca in order to increase the share capital;

Issuance of the Share Registration Certificate issued by Life Is Hard S.A. Cluj-Napoca in order to increase the share capital;

Issuance of registration Certificates for the of structured products issued by SSIF BRK Financial Group S.A .;

Amendments in the Metropolitan Life Articles of Incorporation Management Company of a Private Administered Pension Fund S.A.



About ASF

ASF is the national authority set up in 2013 through OUG 93/2012 approved by Law 113/2013, for the regulation and supervision of insurance markets, private pensions and the capital market. ASF contributes to strengthening the integrated operating framework of the three sectors, which amounts over 10 million participants. More information can be found at www.asfromania.ro.