Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), established in 2017, following the "One Planet Summit" in Paris, and hosted by the Bank of France, is a group of 100 members and 16 observers, including central banks and supervisors, who want to exchange experience, share best practices, contribute to the development of environmental and climate risk management in the financial sector and engage in supporting the transition to a sustainable economy. The main objectives of the NGFS are to promote best practice in environmental and climate risk analysis and management frameworks and to strengthen the role of the financial system in ensuring the financing of a green economy.
The NGFS work is structured in five working groups:
- Working group on micro-prudential and supervision
- Working group on macro-financial issues
- Working group on the extension of green financing
The Financial Supervisory Authority is a member of the NGFS as of December 2021 .
Information on sustainable finance and the green transition, as well as recommendations from the Financial Supervisory Authority can be accessed here.
The NGFS Annual Report 2021 is available HERE.
International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
The International Organization of Securities Regulators (IOSCO) brings together securities regulators from around the world and is recognized as the international standard-setting body in the securities industry. Created in 1983, the organisation brings together 129 securities regulators and over 70 other market participants (stock exchanges, regional and international financial organisations), covering over 95% of the global securities market.
The main objectives of the organisation are: to cooperate and exchange information to promote high standards of development of domestic markets; to establish general principles for the supervision of international securities transactions; and to provide mutual assistance to promote the integrity of domestic markets.
The Financial Supervisory Authority has been a member of IOSCO since 1996, a capacity taken over from the former capital market supervisor, and a signatory to the Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding of November 2008, the content of which can be found here.
The Financial Supervisory Authority has been a member of the IAIS since 2001, a capacity taken over from the former insurance market supervisor, and a signatory to the 2010 Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding, the content of which can be found here.
International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS)
The International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS) is the independent international body that promotes and represents the interests of private pension supervisors worldwide. Established in 2004, it currently has 90 members and observers from 79 jurisdictions and territories around the world and covers all categories and levels of economic development, bringing together all types of pension schemes and pension supervisory systems.
The objective of IOPS is to improve the quality and efficiency of private pension supervisory systems internationally by stimulating their development and increasing their operational efficiency, leading to the creation of secure sources of pension provision in as many countries as possible.
The Financial Supervisory Authority has been a member of IOPS since 2007, having taken over from the former private pension supervisory authority.
International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)
The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) is the independent international body responsible for developing international principles and standards in the field of insurance supervision. Established in 1994, the association brings together members from over 200 jurisdictions, covering more than 97% of the insurance market.
The IAIS aims to develop a fair, safe and stable global market for the benefit of policyholders by promoting effective and consistent insurance industry supervision.
The Financial Supervisory Authority has been a member of the IAIS since 2001, having taken over from the former insurance market supervisor, and a signatory to the 2010 Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding, the content of which can be found here
Institut Francophone de la Régulation Financière (IFREFI)
The Institut Francophone de Réglementation Financière (IFREFI) is an independent structure for dialogue and cooperation. It was created in June 2002 at the initiative of the French-speaking financial regulators.
IFREFI's objective is to exchange information and experience, to carry out studies and research on financial markets and to promote professional training by organising training seminars on various topics.
The Financial Supervisory Authority has been a member of IFREFI since 2004, having taken over this membership from the former capital market supervisory authority.
International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE)
The International Network for Financial Education (INFE) is an independent structure responsible for promoting and facilitating international cooperation between policy makers and stakeholders on financial education issues. Created in 2008 at the initiative of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), it brings together 285 public institutions (including central banks, ministries of finance, ministries of education) from over 130 countries.
The main objectives of the INFE are to promote and raise awareness of the importance of financial education; to exchange information and views on financial education programmes, initiatives and research results; and to identify and develop good practices and effective tools in the field of financial education.
The Financial Supervisory Authority has been a member of the INFE since 2011, a capacity taken over from the former private pension supervisory authority, and, in this capacity, participates in the development and review of working documents and in the national promotion of the principles, guidelines and reports that this organisation publishes to support financial education programmes. uses cookies to personalize and improve your experience on our website. Before continuing to browse, please take the time to read and understand the content of the Cookie Policy. By continuing to browse our website you confirm your acceptance of the use of cookies according to the Cookie Policy.