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    Decisions adopted by the Financial Supervisory Authority Board - 12.06.2019

Decisions adopted by the Financial Supervisory Authority Board - 12.06.2019

Bucharest, 12th of June 2019 – At today's meeting, the Board of Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) approved measures regarding the operating framework of supervised non-bank financial markets - insurance, capital market and private pensions, including:

A)  Regulation

Regulation amending Regulation no. 10/2016 on the organization and functioning of ASF (Regulation will be submitted for publication to the Official Gazette of Romania);

The Norm for the application of the ESMA Guidelines on Centralized Counterparty Intervention Management and the ESMA Guidelines on EMIR Anti-Procyclicality Margin Measures for Central Counterparties as well as the Norm for the Application of the ESMA Guidance on Inter-based Settlement Reports under Article 9 of the Custodian Regulation central securities - CSDR (The norms will be transmitted, for publication, to the Official Gazette of Romania);

The draft of the Regulation for amending the ASF Regulation no. 12/2018 for the implementation of certain provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 1286/2014 on key information documents for structured and insurance-based individual investment products - PRIIP (The project will be published on www.safromania.ro for public consultation for 15 days);

The draft of Norm for Modifying Letter a) and b) of art. 4 of the Norm no. 7/2010 regarding the profitability rates of the privately managed pension funds, approved by the Decision of the Private Pension System Supervision Commission no. 9/2010 (The project will be published on www. Asfromania.ro, for public consultation, for 10 days).

B)  Supervision

 The results of the periodic review carried out at Unicredit Bank S.A. as the depositary of F.P.A.P. Metropolitan Life.

C)  Authorization

Appointment of Mr. Josef Kreiterling as Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Ergo Asigurări de Viaţă S.A .;

Modification of the Articles of Incorporation as a result of the share capital increase of Exim Insurance and Reinsurance Company Romania (CARE-Romania) S.A. with the amount of 20,000,000 lei, from the value of 18,821,998 lei to 38,821,998 lei;

Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of Transilvania Broker de Asigurare S.A. (change of registered office and modification of an article);

Approval of Grant Thornton Audit S.R.L. as a financial auditor of entities authorized, regulated and supervised by ASF;

Changes in Open Investment Fund Documents: FDI BT Classic, FDI BT Maxim, FDI BT Bonds, FDI BT Index Romania ROTX, FDI BT Index Austria ATX, FDI BT Euro Bonds, FDI BT Euro Classic, FDI BT Fix, FDI BT Euro Fixed asset managed by BT Asset Management SAI SA;

Authorization of the BT Real Estate Investment Fund managed by BT Asset Management SAI S.A. and its inclusion in the Public Register of ASF;

Authorization of the BT Energy Open Investment Fund managed by BT Asset Management SAI S.A. and its inclusion in the Public Register of ASF;

Authorization of the BT Agro Investment Fund managed by BT Asset Management SAI S.A. and its registration in the Public Register of ASF;

Authorization of the BT Technology Open Investment Fund managed by BT Asset Management SAI S.A. and its registration in the Public Register of ASF;

Approval of Ernst & Young's registration with S.R.L. in the list of external IT auditors kept by ASF and in the Public Register of ASF;

Issuing Certificates for the registration of structured products issued by SSIF BRK Financial Group S.A .;

Issuance of the Mortgage Liability Registration Certificate issued by Alpha Bank Romania S.A. for admission to trading on BSE;

Withdrawal from trading on the alternative trading system managed by the BSE and the cancellation from the ASF records of shares issued by Laminorul S.A. Braila, as a result of bankruptcy;

Amending the Regulation of Organization and Operation of BCR Pensions Private Pension Funds Management Company S.A .;

Modification of the Prospectus for the Optional Pension Scheme for the Alternative Pension Fund of AZT Vivace managed by Allianz-Ţiriac Private Pensions Management Company for Private Pension Funds S.A .;

Modification of the Prospectus of the Optional Pensions Scheme for the Alternative Pension Fund AZT Moderato managed by Allianz-Tiriac Private Pensions Management Company of Private Pension Funds S.A.



About ASF

ASF is the national authority set up in 2013 through OUG 93/2012 approved by Law 113/2013, for the regulation and supervision of insurance markets, private pensions and the capital market. ASF contributes to strengthening the integrated operating framework of the three sectors, which amounts over 10 million participants. More information can be found at www.asfromania.ro.