Decisions adopted by the ASF Board - 03.04.2019

Bucharest, April 3, 2019 - At today's meeting, the Board of Financial Supervision Authority (ASF) approved measures regarding the functioning framework of supervised non-bank financial markets - insurance, capital market and private pensions, including:

A) Directive

The draft Norm for the modification and completion of the Financial Supervisory Authority's Norm no. 24/2015 on reporting obligations and transparency in the privately managed pension scheme (the project will be published on  for public consultation for 10 days);

The draft Norm for the modification and completion of the Financial Supervisory Authority's Norm no. 25/2015 on reporting obligations and transparency in the optional pension scheme (the project will be published on , for public consultation, for 10 days);

The draft Norm for the modification of the Financial Supervisory Authority's Norm no. 7/2017 regarding the preparation and submission of individual annual financial statements of entities in the private pension system (the project will be published on , for public consultation, for 10 days).

B) Supervision

The stage of fulfilment by SAI Certinvest S.A. of the plan of measures imposed by the ASF Decision no. 581 / 05.08.2018.

C) Authorization

The appointment, for new mandates, of Mr Othmar Ederer, in his capacity as President, of Mr Klaus Scheitegel as Vice-President and Mrs Veronica Malcoci as Member of the Supervisory Board at Grawe România Asigurare S.A .;

The change in the Management Contract for the Vital Privat Administered Pension Fund managed by Aegon Pensii - Private Pension Funds Management Company S.A.;

The modification of the Leaflet of the Private Pensions Scheme for the Vital Private Administered Pension Fund administered by Aegon Pensii - Management Company of Private Pension Funds S.A.


About ASF

ASF is the national authority set up in 2013 through OUG 93/2012 approved by Law 113/2013, for the regulation and supervision of insurance markets, private pensions and the capital market. ASF contributes to strengthening the integrated operating framework of the three sectors, which amounts over 10 million participants. More information can be found at