Organized events audit by the ASF within Global Money Week 2019

Bucharest, 3rd of April 2019 – The Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) organized, between 25 and 31 of March 2019, with the occasion of Global Money Week (GMW), a series of activities and events aiming to improve the level of financial education at the population level, including at the level of students and young people.

The activities under GMW's auspices were attended, at national level, by approximately 6,000 pupils, students and teachers.

The financial education is a top priority for ASF and an important component of the non-banking financial market development project assumed by the Authority.

"The lecturers of the Financial Supervisory Authority are present in schools, high schools and universities. We brought the information very close to young people and teachers. The Financial Supervisory Authority has become a true provider of financial education programs. We have assumed this role and we are extremely determined to develop the projects we have in this area in the coming years, „said ASF President Leonardo Badea.

Organized events audit by ASF during GMW week


  • 25th March 2019


Interactive seminar aiming to understand the concepts of scholarship

Within the action, the Clopoțelul suna la BVB - Bell rings at the BVB! the opening of the scholarship by ASF and BVB took place together with a group of about 80 pupils from the "Nicolae Kretzulescu" Superior School of Commerce in Bucharest. Later, the students participated in an educational activity under the form of a game, aiming to understand the notions of scholarship, the economic situations of the companies and their effects on the evolution of the share price.

Education Bus - an action where 90 students from "Nicolae Kretzulescu" Superior School of Commerce, "Virgil Madgearu" Economic College and "Iulia Haşdeu" National College from Bucharest travelled with a bus that included socio- cultural objectives, as well as important buildings of the financial life of the capital. During the route, the representatives of the ASF and the National Union of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies of Romania (UNSAR) took presentations regarding the non-banking financial markets. Students received materials to help them improve their financial education.

Students from the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi - the Economics Students League of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration organized together with ASF several sessions of communications on the importance of financial education in the academic environment.


  • 26th March 2019


We play and learn! - non-formal educational activities where 35 students attended from the "Tudor Arghezi" Secondary School in Bucharest, in which simple notions of financial education were presented.

Meeting with 50 teachers from EU Member States arrived in Romania through the Erasmus program - the activity was included in the field of financial education actions and was carried out with the support of the "Nicolae Kretzulescu" Superior School of Commerce in Bucharest.

Debate competition on non-banking financial issues for high school students. The competition was organized under the coordination of the Romanian Association for Debate, Oratory and Rhetoric (ARDOR), and the final stage took place at the "Nicolae Kretzulescu" Superior School of Commerce. In the final stage 100 people participated (2 teams of pupils and the public), and the winner was appointed, according to the rules of debate, the team from the "Mihai Viteazul" National College in Bucharest. In March, debate competitions were held both Oradea and Timisoara.

  • 27th March 2019

We play and learn! - non-formal educational activities attended by 20 pre-school children from "Oaki" Kindergarten in Snagov, in which were presented simple notions of financial education. Similar activities were organized by ASF in March also in Iasi, Oradea and Timisoara.

Seminar of financial education dedicated to teachers in pre-university education. The ASF representatives had a meeting with 32 high school teachers from Bucharest, aiming to transmit non-banking financial information useful for personal development and career. The seminar took place with the support of the School Inspectorate of the Municipality of Bucharest. A similar meeting took place on Thursday, March 21, 2019, with 45 teachers from the high schools in Braşov, with the support of the School Inspectorate of Brasov County and the Institute of Financial Studies.

  • 28th March2019


EduFin Gala. The Financial Supervisory Authority awarded the best financial education actions and programs within the EduFin Gala organized at the National Military Club. At the third edition of the EduFin Gala took part about 200 representatives of regulated entities representatives, professional associations and consumer associations, teachers, young people, as well as representatives of several public institutions and civil society

EduFin Gala Awards

  • Award granted for the best financial education campaign of the year - Bucharest Stock Exchange - for the Made in Romania campaign
  • Award granted to the best volunteer lecturer in financial education in the previous school year - Constantin Dinu - 100 hours in 4 cities
  • Award granted for the organization with the highest involvement in financial education actions - Romanian Insurance Broker-Reinsurance Broker
  • Award granted for the development of financial education in the media - Media publications XPRIMM - for the issue "Risk time" dedicated to financial market notions
  • Award granted for outstanding results in disciplines with impact on financial knowledge - Radu Daria-Ioana, 12th grade student at "Mihai Viteazul" National College in Bucharest
  • Award granted to a university centre involved in financial education - Academy of Economic Studies (ASE) Bucharest - for the largest number of activities and programs carried out in the field of financial education with ASF
  • Award granted for a pre-university education unit involved in financial education - "Virgil Madgearu" Economic College in Bucharest

Special awards

  • Award granted for Involvement in Supporting Financial Education - TVR
  • Award granted for involvement in supporting financial education at national and

international level - "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi

  • Award granted for involvement and support of ASF financial education programs - West University of Timisoara
  • Award granted for financial education support through the organization of specific actions and programs - OTP Asset Management
  • Award granted for the largest financial education class in the world on 31 October 2018 - BCR
  • Award granted for the development of the financial education program dedicated to institutionalized children, thus helping to increase the level of financial inclusion - Allianz-Ţiriac
  • Award granted for the intense activity and the large number of actions and programs dedicated to financial education in 2018 – UNSAR
  • 29th March 2019


Open Door Week at ASF. Approximately 60 students from schools and high schools in Bucharest visited the ASF headquarters an event during which information was presented to them about the role and the work of the Authority.

During the whole GMW week, more than 1,500 students from around 40 schools and high schools across the country visited the headquarters of companies operating in all three ASF-supervised markets - the insurance market, the private pensions market, and the capital market.

Other actions carried out during March under the guidance of GMW


Academic Laboratory

The Academic Laboratory is an educational program developed by ASF, launched in 2016, developed in partnership with various universities in Romania. Under this program, students have the chance to analyse case studies and interact directly with professionals in non-banking markets. In March 2019, under the guidance of GMW, 11 academic laboratories were organized by ASF in 8 university centres in the country where 6 lecturers interacted with about 900 students.

#donămpentruviitor - #wedonateforthefuture is an action promoted by ASF since 2017 representing a call to all financial entities to participate in the book fund of libraries in school units. This year, 13 schools nominated by the School Inspectorate of Bucharest were the beneficiaries of this program.


Let's talk about the non-banking financial market

Let’s talk about the non-banking financial market is a financial education program for 7th and 11th grade students run by the ASF in partnership with the Ministry of National Education and the School Inspectorates since the school year 2015 - 2016.

Under the guidance of GMW, several sessions of this program were held in various schools and high schools. The ASF's financial education program for the 2018-2019 school year includes 140 schools in 31 counties and Bucharest. The estimated number of students participating in this program is over 18,000.


About ASF

ASF is the national authority set up in 2013 through OUG 93/2012 approved by Law 113/2013, for the regulation and supervision of insurance markets, private pensions and the capital market. ASF contributes to strengthening the integrated operating framework of the three sectors, which amounts over 10 million participants. More information can be found at