ASF celebrates financial education within Global Money Week

Bucharest, March 25, 2019 – The Financial Supervisory Authority ( ASF) organizes, in during March 25-31, 2019, a series of actions dedicated to the promotion of financial education among children and young people.

The first event from the GMW week has brought together, at the Bucharest Stock Exchange, more students who attended the opening of the trading session. Also, the students present at the Bucharest Stock Exchange have attended an educative activity, carried out as a game, with the purpose of understanding the notions on the stock exchange, of some economic situations specific to companies and their effects on the evolution of stock prices.

"Financial education has become an important milestone in the activity of the Financial Supervisory Authority and I feel very confident that, in time, our programs will have beneficial effects on pupils and students. Early education translates into better informed consumers. At the same time, this initiative creates excellent premises for the healthy development of financial markets", said the Chairman of ASF, Mr. Leonardo Badea.

The ASF objectives for the events to be organized during the GMW week mainly aim to enhance the level of acknowledgement regarding the importance of the financial education and its role in the economic development of the country, the improvement of the access of children and young people to financial education notions and to information (the growth of the level of financial inclusion), the familiarity of children and young persons to real activities, activities specific to the financial market and establishing relationships with professionals working in the financial market (job shadow), as well as the actual involvement of the market associations and consumer protection associations in the activity of promoting financial education and its importance. 

The financial education projects carried out at a national level by the  Financial Supervisory Authority, the National Bank of Romania and the Ministry of National Education had an important contribution for obtaining the award Country Award for Europe and Central Asia, won by Romania in 2017 The distinction has been granted in Berlin by the Child & Youth Finance International (CYFI), the organizer of GWM and one of the most important non-governmental organizations in the world.

The financial education program organized by Financial Supervisory Authority, for the school year 2018-2019, includes 140 school units from 31 counties and Bucharest. The estimated number of pupils to participate in this program is over 18,000. At the same time, within the Academic Laboratory, the program of the Financial Supervisory Authority destined to the development of the financial situation in university education, will be present more than 10 important university centres across the country.

Global Money Week is an international event during which entire communities collaborate to stimulate a better grasping of the financial environment, to eliminate outdated financial policies and to offer young people the tools and the inspiration necessary to model their own future. This initiative has reunited organizations from over 169 countries and involved over 32 million of children and young persons.

The events organized by ASF during the GMW week

  • March 25-31, 2019

Open Doors Week - an action aiming to promote the importance of financial education among pupils. It is an important national action that brings together all the three markets supervised by ASF.

  • March 25, 2019

Bucharest Educational Route - an action during which pupils from several high schools from Bucharest will cover by bus a route including social and cultural sightseeing, as well as important buildings to the financial life of the Capital. During the route, high school pupils will have the opportunity to attend presentations by the ASF representatives. Pupils will receive materials to help them improve their financial education.

Meeting with the students from the I. Cuza University of Iasi - League of Economics Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration organizes, together with ASF, various communication sessions on the importance of financial education in the academic world.

  • March 26, 2019

We play and learn! - outdoor activities for pre-school or primary school children. The children will be presented simple notions of financial education.

Meeting with professors from other states arrived in Romania through the Erasmus program- the activity can be included in the list of financial education actions and will be carried out with the help of Higher Commercial School "Nicolae Kretzulescu" of Bucharest.

Debate contest- on non-banking financial themes for high school pupils. The competition is being organized under the coordination of the Romanian Association of Debates, of the Romanian Association for Debate, Oratory and Rhetoric (Rom: Asociația Română de Dezbateri, Oratorie și Retorică, ARDOR), and the final phase will take place at the Higher Commercial School "Nicolae Kretzulescu" of Bucharest.

  • March 27, 2019

We play and learn! - outdoor activities for pre-school or primary school children.

Workshop dedicated to teachers from pre-university education- action that implies the transmission of information related to the financial market, useful in their personal and professional growth and development.

  • March 28, 2019

EduFin Gala- it is an event at its third edition, which aims to popularize the importance of the financial education and the recognition of the development of financial education projects at a national level. At this event, will be present representatives of the regulating entities, of the professional associations and consumer associations, as well as representatives of the Parliament, Government, local and central public administration authorities, and other institutions that play an important role in this domain in Romania, embassies, international bodies and so on.

  • March 29, 2019

Open Doors Week at ASF- event during which pupils will visit the headquarters of ASF and will be presented with information on the role and the activity of the Authority.

More details on the actions organized by ASF during the GMW, can be found on the ASF website:


About ASF

ASF is the national authority set up in 2013 through OUG 93/2012 approved by Law 113/2013, for the regulation and supervision of insurance markets, private pensions and the capital market. ASF contributes to strengthening the integrated operating framework of the three sectors, which amounts over 10 million participants. More information can be found at