Bucharest, 5 March 2025 – During today's meeting, the Council of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) adopted measures on the functioning of the supervised non-banking financial markets - insurance, capital market and private pensions, as follows:
A) Regulation
Draft Regulation amending and supplementing the Financial Supervisory Authority Regulation no. 13/2019 on the unitary framework for conducting statutory audits of entities authorized, regulated and supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority (the draft will be published on www.asfromania.ro, for public consultation, for 10 days);
Draft Rule for the amendment of the Annex to the Financial Supervisory Authority Rule no. 18/2018 on the membership and record of participants in voluntary pension funds (the draft will be published on www.asfromania.ro, for public consultation, for 10 days).
B) Authorization
Approval of the request of BRD Asset Management S.A.I. S.A. for the authorization of Mr. Iancu Guda and Mr. Marius Stoica as members of the Board of Directors of the company following their appointment for a new mandate;
Approval of the request of S.A.I Star Asset Management S.A. to authorize the change in the company's organization and functioning as a result of the change in the composition of the executive management by the appointment of Mr. Claudiu Petrescu as the manager of the company;
Approval of Ms. Nicoleta Radu for a new term of office as General Manager of the company Pool-ul de Asigurare Împotriva Dezastrelor Naturale S.A.;
Approval of Mrs. Catherine Paule Granger ep. Ponchon as member of the Board of Directors of Groupama Asigurări S.A.;
Approval of the request for authorization of Mr. Costinel - Silviu Stratnic as a member of the Supervisory Board of Carpathia Pensii - Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the request for authorization of Mr. Mădălin Roșu as member of the Supervisory Board of Carpathia Pensii - Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the request for the authorization of Mr. Peter Franz Höfinger as a member of the Supervisory Board of Carpathia Pensii - Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the application for the authorization of Mr. Péter Kadocsa as a member of the Supervisory Board of Carpathia Pensii - Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the request for authorization of Mr. Klaus Mühleder as member of the Supervisory Board of Carpathia Pensii - Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the application of Certinspect Register SRL for inclusion in the List of external IT auditors maintained by the Financial Supervisory Authority;
Approval, upon request, of the withdrawal of the operating authorization of the brokerage company Globasig Broker de Asigurare - Reasigurare S.R.L., as well as its removal from Section I and its transfer to Section II of the Register of Principal Intermediaries;
Approval of the request of S.A.I. Globinvest S.A. for the authorization of the Open-end Investment Fund Globinvest Energy&Financials ETF and its registration in the public register of ASF;
Approval of the application of SAI Broker S.A. for the authorization of the Open-end Investment Fund ETF BET BRK and its registration in the public Register of ASF;
Approval of the request of Progressio S.A. (formerly S.S.I.F. Vienna Investment Trust S.A.) to withdraw on request its operating authorization and to remove it from the ASF Register as a financial investment services company;
Approval of the request for authorization to amend the Articles of Incorporation of Carpathia Pensii - Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the request for final approval of the amendment to the Prospectus of the voluntary pension scheme for the Voluntary Pension Fund AZT Vivace, managed by Allianz-Țiriac Pensii Private Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the request for final approval of the amendment to the Prospectus of the optional pension scheme for the Voluntary Pension Fund AZT Moderato, managed by Allianz-Țiriac Pensii Private Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the application for final approval of the amendment to the Prospectus of the voluntary pension scheme for the Voluntary Pension Fund NN Optim, managed by NN Asigurări de Viață S.A.;
Approval of the request for final approval of the amendment to the Prospectus of the voluntary pension scheme for the Voluntary Pension Fund NN Activ, managed by NN Asigurări de Viață S.A.
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