Bucharest, 1 February 2023 - The Financial Supervisory Authority and the Institute for Financial Studies are organising, from 1 to 2 February 2023, in Cluj-Napoca, the Academic Lab (Laboratorul Academic) & SmartFIN and the SME Hub (IMM Hub), two financial education programs for students and entrepreneurs respectively.
The two seminars will take place as part of the conference Diversity challenges and stakeholders' engagement in Finance and FinAI, developed in partnership with Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB) in Cluj-Napoca.
Students, who will attend the Academic Lab, will attend a lecture on insurance sales techniques. At the same time, a meeting will take place at the SME Hub between representatives of the Authority and entrepreneurs from Cluj, where possible approaches offered by non-bank financial markets in support of the concrete needs of the entrepreneurial environment will be presented, thus developing and strengthening the financial education approach that is jointly carried out by ISF and ASF.
The conference will also address current topics on Digital Finance, FinTech, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning applied to financial markets.
For the Financial Supervisory Authority, financial education is a strategic objective and, at the same time, a fundamental, long-term project for pupils, students, teachers and the general public, aimed at developing financial markets.
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