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    Decisions adopted by the Council of the Financial Supervisory Authority

Decisions adopted by the Council of the Financial Supervisory Authority

Bucharest, 1 February 2023 – During today’s meeting, the Council of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) adopted measures on the functioning of the supervised non-bank financial markets - insurance, capital market and private pensions, as follows:


A)  Regulation

Draft Regulation amending and supplementing Regulation no. 26/2021 on the activity carried out in Romania by insurers from third countries through branches (the draft will be published on www.asfromania.ro for public consultation for 10 days);

Rule amending Rule no. 11/2008 on the collection of individual contributions from participants in privately managed pension funds, approved by the Decision of the Private Pension Supervisory Commission no. 23/2008 (the rule will be sent to the Official Journal of Romania for publication);

Rule supplementing the Rule of the Financial Supervisory Authority no. 14/2015 on accounting regulations in line with the European directives applicable to the private pension scheme (the rule will be sent for publication to the Official Journal of Romania);

Rule amending and supplementing Rule no. 11/2011 on the investment and valuation of private pension fund assets, approved by the Decision of the Private Pension Supervisory Commission no. 22/2011 (the rule will be sent to the Official Journal of Romania for publication).


B)  Authorisation

Approval of Mrs. Cristina-Daniela Anculescu for a new mandate as member of the Board of Directors of Uniqa Asigurări de Viață S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Ciprian Pop for a new mandate as General Manager of Allianz-Țiriac Unit Asigurări S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Stefan Stavrositu as member and Chairman of the Board of Directors of BCR Asigurări de Viață Vienna Insurance Group S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Kougionas Ioannis for a new mandate as member of the Board of Directors of Garanta Asigurări S.A.;

Authorisation of Mrs. Mariana Bănică as the person in charge of the internal control structure of BRD Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;

Approval of the EU prospectus for the increase of the share capital of 2Performant Network S.A. București;

Approval of the deregistration of Crédit Agricole Bank România S.A. from the A.S.F. Register as a credit institution;

Approval of the share capital increase of Garanta Asigurări S.A.;

Approval of the issuance of the opinion on the request of CITR Filiala Cluj S.P.R.L. to initiate the procedures for the valorisation of the shares held by Carpatica Asig S.A. (in bankruptcy) in Bricomat S.A.;

Approval of the request for final approval of the amendment to the Prospectus of the voluntary pension scheme for the Voluntary Pension Fund Stabil, managed by Generali Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;

Approval of the application for authorisation to amend the Individual Membership Act of the Voluntary Pension Fund Stabil, managed by Generali Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;

Approval of the application for approval of the amendment of the Individual Membership Act of the Private Pension Fund Aripi, managed by Generali Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.



About the Financial Supervisory Authority
The Financial Supervisory Authority is the national authority, established in 2013 by GEO 93/2012 approved by Law 113/2013, for the regulation and supervision of the insurance, private pension and capital markets. The FSA contributes to strengthening the integrated framework for the functioning of the three sectors, which together account for more than 10 million participants. More information can be found at www.asfromania.ro.

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