Bucharest, March 24, 2021 - During today's meeting, the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority (A.S.F.) approved measures on the functioning of supervised non-banking financial markets - insurance, capital market and private pensions, as follows:
A) Regulation
The norm regarding the application of the Guide regarding the performance commissions of UCITS and of certain types of AIF (the norm will be sent, for publication, to the Official Gazette of Romania).
B) Surveillance
Sanctioning with written warning the brokerage company Fanbrok Insurance - Reinsurance Broker S.R.L .;
Withdrawal, upon request, of the operating authorization of the brokerage company Remy Broker de Asigurare Reasigurare S.R.L., as well as its deregistration from Section I of the Register of main intermediaries.
C) Authorization
Approval of Mr. Mesut Yetișkul for a new term as a member of the Board of Directors of Ergo Asigurări S.A .;
Approval of Mr. Druțu Constantin-Gheorghe in the position of executive director of Asibbe Insurance Broker S.R.L .;
The approval of Mrs. Muntean Sandra Monica in the position of executive director of the company L.M.C. Asig Insurance Broker S.R.L .;
Authorization of Ceocea Costel, Ciorcilă Horia, Doroș Liviu – Claudiu, Iancu Cătălin – Jianu – Dan and Radu Octavian – Claudiu, for a new term, as members of the Board of Directors of Evergent Investments S.A. (former SIF Moldova S.A.);
Authorization of Mr. Iancu Guda and Mr. Marius Stoica as members of the Board of Directors of BRD Asset Management S.A.I. S.A., as a result of the extension of the mandates;
Approval of the amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of the company Otto Broker de Asigurare S.R.L. regarding the increase of the share capital by co-opting insignificant new associates and the structure of the company's associates;
Withdrawal of the authorization of SAI Safi Invest S.A. and deletion from the A.S.F. as an investment management company, the authorization of SAI Safi Invest S.A. as AIFM under the new name approved by the company's GMS, namely Nova Vision Investments AFIA S.A. and deletion from the A.S.F. and SAI Safi Invest S.A. as a registered AIFM;
Approval of the prospectus prepared for the admission to trading on the regulated market managed by BVB of the bonds issued by Agricover Holding S.A. and the issuance of the Bond Registration Certificate;
The issuance of a decision confirming that the company Vestas Ceu România S.R.L., engaged in intra-group transactions with over-the-counter derivative financial instruments with the company Vestas Wind Systems A / S, falls within the exception of the reporting obligation provided in article 9 par. (1) of Regulation (EU) no. 648/2012 (EMIR);
Approval of withdrawal from trading and deletion from A.S.F. of shares issued by Transilvania Construcții S.A. Cluj-Napoca, considering the completion of the procedure provided by art. 115 of the A.S.F. no. 5/2018, with subsequent amendments and completions;
Approval of the withdrawal from trading of shares issued by Simbeton S.A. Oradea and the deregistration from the A.S.F. records, considering the completion of the procedure for withdrawing the shareholders in accordance with art. 42 of Law no. 24/2017;
Endorsement of the amendment of the Regulation on the Organization and Functioning of NN Asigurări de Viaţă S.A .;
Endorsement of the amendment to the organization and operation regulations of the S.A.I. Raiffeisen Asset Management S.A.
About the Financial Supervisory Authority
The Financial Supervisory Authority is the national authority, established in 2013 by GEO 93/2012 approved by Law 113/2013, for the regulation and supervision of the insurance markets, private pensions, as well as the capital market. A.S.F. contributes to strengthening the integrated functioning framework of the three sectors, totaling more than 10 million participants. More information can be found on www.asfromania.ro.