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    Law 260/2013 for the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 55/2013 regarding some fiscal-budgetary measures and for the modification of some normative acts

Law 260/2013 for the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 55/2013 regarding some fiscal-budgetary measures and for the modification of some normative acts

(Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 620 of 04/10/2013).

The Romanian Parliament adopts this law.

Unique article. -
Government Emergency Ordinance no. 55 of June 4, 2013 regarding some fiscal-budgetary measures and for the modification of some normative acts, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 331 of June 6, 2013, with the following amendments and completions:
1. In Article I, a new point shall be inserted before point 1, with the following content:
"In Article 6, paragraph 2 is amended to read as follows:
«(2) The regulations of the A.S.F. they may take the form of decisions, regulations, rules and instructions. "
2. In Article I, a new point 41 is inserted after point 4, with the following wording:
"41. In Article 17, a new paragraph 3 is inserted after paragraph 2, with the following wording:
"(3) The Committee on Budget, Finance, Banking and Capital Markets of the Senate may at any time order the verification of the activities of the A.S.F."
3. In Article I, point 5 is repealed.
4. In Article I, after point 5, two new points are inserted, points 6 and 7, with the following content:
"6. Article 23 is amended to read as follows:
«Art. 23. - A.S.F. takes over the number of posts and the staff of the National Securities Commission, the Insurance Supervisory Commission and the Private Pension System Supervisory Commission. »
7. In Article 24, a new paragraph 11 is inserted after paragraph 1, with the following wording:
«(11) By derogation from the provisions of Law no. 571/2003 on the Fiscal Code, with subsequent amendments and completions, the income tax rate is 85% for incomes representing salaries / allowances / compensatory amounts granted, in accordance with the law, on the occasion of termination of employment contract, employment relationship or employees' mandate with management positions or persons who have been appointed as members of the FSA Council or within the authorities that are reorganized according to art. 1 para. (2).""
5. Article II is repealed.

This law was adopted by the Romanian Parliament, in compliance with the provisions of art. 75 and of art. 76 para. (1) of the Romanian Constitution, republished.


Bucharest, October 2, 2013
Nr. 260


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