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    Decisions adopted by the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority

Decisions adopted by the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority



Bucharest, 22 June 2022 - At today’s meeting, the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) adopted measures on the functioning of supervised non-banking financial markets - insurance, capital market and private pensions, as follows:


A)  Regulation

Draft Regulation for the amendment of the ASF Regulation no.3/2014 on some issues related to the application of the Government Emergency Ordinance no.99/2006 on credit institutions and capital adequacy and Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No. 648/2012 (the draft will be published on www.asfromania.ro, for public consultation, for 10 days);

Draft Rule for the application of the MAR Guide – Postponement of the publication of privileged information and interactions subject to prudential supervision, for publication on the ASF website (the draft will be published on www.asfromania.ro, for public consultation, for 10 days);

Notification by ESMA of the ASF’s intention to apply the provisions of the Guidelines on stress test scenarios under the MMF Regulation (ESMA34-49-446);

The rule for amending and supplementing the Rule of the Financial Supervisory Authority no. 19/2021 on the reporting and transparency obligations in the private pension system (the rule will be sent, for publication, to the Official Gazette of Romania).


B)  Authorisation

Authorization of Mrs Feza Tan as a member of the Managing Board of Amundi Asset Management S.A.I. S.A.;

Authorization of Mr. Florin Dolea as a member of the Managing Board of Amundi Asset Management S.A.I. S.A.;

Authorization of Mr. Rus Adrian Ioan as a member of the Managing Board of SSIF Tradeville S.A.;

Authorization of Mrs. Cristina Ganja as Director of S.A.I. Globinvest S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Bogdan Ionuț Speteanu for a new mandate as a member of the Supervisory Board of Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Marian-Nicolae Ignat for a new mandate as a member of the Supervisory Board of Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Klaus Mühleder for a new term as a member of the Supervisory Board of Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Harald Josef Londer for a new mandate as a member of the Supervisory Board of Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Werner Matula for a new mandate as Member of the Supervisory Board of Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Mihail Tecău for a new mandate as member and President of the Managing Board of Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Costinel Silviu Stratnic for a new mandate as member and Vice President of the Managing Board of Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Mădălin Roșu for a new mandate as a member of the Managing Board of the company Omniasig Vienna Insurance Group S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Werner Matula for a new mandate as a member of the Supervisory Board of the company Asigurara Românească - Asirom Vienna Insurance Group S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Ionuț-Bogdan Zamfirescu for a new mandate as a member of the Managing Board at the Company Asigurarea Românească - Asirom Vienna Insurance Group S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Werner Matula for a new mandate as a member of the Supervisory Board at the Company BCR Asigurări de Viață Vienna Insurance Group S.A.;

Approval of Mr. Sergiu Cristian Manea for a new mandate as a member of the Supervisory Board at the Company BCR Asigurări de Viață Vienna Insurance Group S.A.;

Approval/authorization of Mrs. Anna Natalia Grzelońska for a new mandate as Director without executive powers, member of the Managing Board of NN Asigurări de Viață S.A.;

Approval of the request of SAI Certinvest S.A. for endorsement/authorization of Banca Comercială Română S.A. as depositary of the assets of Open-end Investment Funds Certinvest Obligațiuni and Certinvest Prudent and of the assets of Alternative Investment Funds Certinvest Green and Certinvest Acțiuni;

Approval of the EU Growth prospectus drawn up in order to increase the share capital of Sometra S.A. Copșa Mică;

Approval of the Base Prospectus for the Structured Product Issuance Programme of SSIF BRK Financial Group S.A. Cluj Napoca and issuance of the Certificate evidencing the approval of the Base Prospectus for notification to ESMA and the Competent Authorities of Austria, Hungary and Poland;

Application of the exception from the reporting obligation, based on Article 9 (1) of Regulation (EU) No. 648/2012 (EMIR), in the case of OTC derivative contracts, concluded intra-group by the company Woco Pipe Systems Components ROM S.R.L. with the companies Woco Franz Josef Holding GmbH and Woco Industrietechnik GmbH;

Approval of the withdrawal from trading and deregistration from the ASF records of the shares issued by Aurora S.A. Tg. Frumos, considering the completion of the procedure provided by art. 115 of the ASF Regulation no. 5/2018, as subsequently amended and supplemented;

Approval of the Company Ethniki Holdings S.à.r.l. as a significant indirect shareholder in Garanta Asigurări S.A.;

Approval of the amendment made to art. 16 of the Memorandum of Association of the Company AON Romania Broker de Asigurare - Reasigurare S.r.l.;

Approval of the amendments to Articles 14.4, 14.5 and 14.6 of the Memorandum of Association of the Company D&CA Insurance Broker S.R.L.;

Approval of the request for approval of the amendment of the Individual Act of Accession to the Privately Managed Pension Fund NN, managed by NN Pensii Societate de Administrare a unui Fond de Pensii Administrat Privat S.A;

Approval of the withdrawal of the authorization for carrying out the marketing activity of the privately managed pension fund granted to the Company Brokerpool Broker de Pensii Private S.R.L. and the withdrawal of the approvals of its marketing agents - natural persons.





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