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    Decisions adopted by the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority

Decisions adopted by the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority

Bucharest, 20 November 2024 – During today’s meeting, the Council of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) adopted measures on the functioning of the supervised non-banking financial markets - insurance, capital market and private pensions, as follows:


A)  Regulation

Draft Regulation amending and supplementing ASF Regulation no. 4/2018 on the management of operational risks generated by the IT systems used by entities authorised/approved/registered, regulated and/or supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority (the draft will be published on www.asfromania.ro, for public consultation, for 10 days);

Draft Rule amending the Annex to the Financial Supervisory Authority Rule no. 41/2015 for the approval of the Accounting Regulations on the annual individual financial statements and the annual consolidated financial statements of entities carrying out insurance and/or reinsurance activity (the draft will be published on www.asfromania.ro, for public consultation, for 10 days).


B)  Authorisation

Approval of the authorisation of Mr. Chirodea Radu Gabriel Radu and Mr. Tălpeanu Daniel Marin as directors of the financial investment services company Muntenia Global Invest S.A. as a result of the company’s alignment with the provisions of Law no. 126/2018 on the markets of financial instruments, as amended and supplemented by Emergency Ordinance no. 71/2024;

Approval of the request of the financial investment services company Prime Transaction S.A. to authorise Mr. Neguț Marian Ovidiu as general manager, following the granting of a new mandate;

Approval of amendments to the preamble and Art. 3 para. (1) and para. (2) of the Articles of Incorporation of Fly Insurance-Broker de Asigurare Reasigurare S.R.L. (increase of share capital by cash contribution and new structure of shareholders);

Approval of the request for approval of the amendment of the private pension scheme prospectus for the Privately Managed Pension Fund AZT Viitorul Tău, managed by Allianz-Țiriac Pensii Private Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.

