Soluții favorabile A.S.F. pronunțate în luna august 2024

Bucharest, 3 September 2024 - In August 2024, the courts ruled in favor of ASF in the following relevant cases:


Bucharest Court of Appeal - File no. 7926/2/2023

By Judgment no. 1354/5.08.2024, the Bucharest Court of Appeal ruled in favour of ASF, against claimant Unirea Shopping Center S.A.

The solution in a nutshell:

"Dismisses the action as unfounded. Dismisses as unfounded the application made by claimant UNIREA SHOPPING CENTER SA for costs. Notes that, in its pleadings on the merits, the defendant stated that it reserves the right to seek costs separately. Appeal within 15 days as of service.

Subject-matter: annulment of ASF Decision no. 1098/2/2023 approving the mandatory public takeover bid for the issuer Electromagnetica S.A. București, initiated by Infinity Capital Investments S.A. Craiova.

The court’s ruling can be found at: