Bucharest, 10 October 2023 – At today's meeting, the Council of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) adopted measures on the functioning of the supervised non-bank financial markets - insurance, capital market and private pensions, as follows:
A) Regulation
Instruction for the application of the Guidelines on the use of remote customer onboarding solutions under Article 13(1) of Directive (EU) 2015/849 (the instruction will be sent for publication to the Official Journal of Romania);
Draft Rule for the application of the provisions of the Guidelines on common procedures and methodologies for the supervisory review and evaluation process under Directive (EU) 2019/2034 (the draft will be published on www.asfromania.ro for public consultation for 10 days).
B) Authorisation
Approval of Mr Petros Papanikolaou for a new mandate as member of the Board of Directors of Allianz-Tiriac Asigurări S.A.;
Approval of SAI Broker S.A.'s request for a two-year extension of the maximum audit period of 5 consecutive years by the current financial auditor JPA Audit & Consultancy S.R.L. for the company's financial statements for the years 2024 and 2025;
Approval of the simplified prospectus prepared for the increase of the share capital of Socep S.A. Constanța;
Approval of amendments to the preamble and article 18.3 of the Articles of Incorporation of Brussels Broker de Asigurare S.R.L.;
Approval of amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of Olsa Re Broker de Asigurare-Reasigurare S.R.L. (transfer of shares, new significant shareholder, shareholder structure, change in the duration of the director's mandate);
Approval of amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of Westaco Broker de Asigurare S.R.L. (appointment of a director);
Approval of the amendment to the Individual Act of Membership of the Privately Managed Pension Fund NN, managed by NN Pensii Societate de Administrare a unui Fond de Pensii Administrat Privat S.A.
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