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    Decisions adopted by the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority

Decisions adopted by the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority

Bucharest, 26 September 2023 – At today’s meeting, the Council of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) adopted measures on the functioning of the supervised non-bank financial markets - insurance, capital market and private pensions, as follows:


A) Regulation

Draft Rule amending and supplementing Annexes 1 and 2 to Rule No 34/2015 on quantitative requirements established by the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (the draft will be published on www.asfromania.ro for public consultation for 10 calendar days);

Draft Rule amending and supplementing the Financial Supervisory Authority Rule No 3/2014 on internal control, internal audit and risk management in the private pension system (the draft will be published on www.asfromania.ro for public consultation for 15 calendar days);

Rule amending and supplementing the Financial Supervisory Authority’s Rule No 27/2017 on the use of the net personal assets of the participant in a privately administered pension fund (the rule will be sent for publication to the Official Journal of Romania);

Rule amending and supplementing the Financial Supervisory Authority’s Rule No 28/2017 on the use of the net personal assets of the participant in a voluntary pension fund (the rule will be sent to the Official Journal of Romania for publication).


B) Authorisation

Approval of Franklin Templeton International Services S.a.r.l.’s application for the authorisation of amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of Fondul Proprietatea S.A.;

Approval of the application for the authorisation to amend the Articles of Incorporation of Aegon Pensii - Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;

Authorisation of Mr Gerke Anno Witteveen as member of the executive management, General Manager of NN Pensii Societate de Administrare a unui Fond de Pensii Administrat Privat S.A.;

Approval of Mr Mihai-Cosmin Constantinescu in the position of executive officer (General Manager) of Secony Profesional Consulting - Broker de Asigurare S.R.L.


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