Bucharest, 5 April 2023 – During today's meeting, the Council of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) adopted measures on the functioning of the supervised non-bank financial markets - insurance, capital market and private pensions, as follows:
A) Regulation
Rule amending and supplementing Rule no. 11/2011 on the investment and valuation of private pension fund assets, approved by the Decision of the Private Pension System Supervisory Commission no. 22/2011 (the rule will be sent to the Official Journal of Romania for publication).
B) Authorisation
Authorisation of Mr. Laurențiu Riviș, Mr. Adrian Simionescu, Mr. Șerban Valentin Marin, Mrs. Andreea Cosmănescu, Mr. Radu Hanga, Mr. Dan - Viorel Paul, Mr. Robert Cosmin Pană, Mrs. Claudia - Gabriela Ionescu and Mr. Radu - Claudiu Roșca as members of the Board of Directors of Depozitarul Central S.A.;
Approval of Mrs. Veronica Malcoci for a new mandate as member of the Supervisory Board of Grawe România Asigurare S.A.;
Approval of Mr. Radu Virgil Manoliu as Deputy General Manager of Signal Iduna Asigurări S.A., following the alignment of the company with the provisions of Article II of the ASF Regulation no. 20/2021 amending and supplementing the ASF Regulation no. 1/2019;
Approval of Mr. Ionuț-Daniel Baciu as Deputy General Manager of the company Pool-ul de Asigurare Împotriva Dezastrelor Naturale S.A. (PAID);
Approval of the request for approval of the amendment of the Management Contract for the Privately Managed Pension Fund Azt Viitorul Tău, managed by Allianz-Țiriac Pensii Private Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the request for approval of the amendment of the Private Pension Scheme Prospectus for the Privately Managed Pension Fund Azt Viitorul Tău, managed by Allianz-Țiriac Pensii Private Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the request for authorisation to amend the Investment Policy Statement for the Privately Managed Pension Fund BCR, managed by BCR Pensii Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the request for authorisation to amend the Investment Policy Statement for the Voluntary Pension Fund BCR Plus, managed by BCR Pensii Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the request for authorisation to amend the Investment Policy Statement for the Privately Managed Pension Fund BRD, managed by BRD Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the request for the authorisation to amend the Investment Policy Statement of the Voluntary Pension Fund BRD Medio, managed by BRD Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the request for the authorisation to amend the Investment Policy Statement of the Privately Managed Pension Fund Vital, managed by Aegon Pensii - Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.;
Approval of the request for the authorisation to amend the Investment Policy Statement for the Voluntary Pension Fund Pensia Mea, managed by BT Pensii Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Facultative S.A.
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