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    Law No. 148/2015 approving Government Emergency Ordinance No. 94/2013 amending and supplementing Government Emergency Ordinance No. 93/2012 on the establishment, organisation and operation of the ASF, and amending and supplementing Law No. 136/1995

Law No. 148/2015 approving Government Emergency Ordinance No. 94/2013 amending and supplementing Government Emergency Ordinance No. 93/2012 on the establishment, organisation and operation of the ASF, and amending and supplementing Law No. 136/1995


in force as of 21 June 2015
Published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I No. 436 of 18 June 2015.

The Parliament of Romania hereby adopts this law.

Sole Article. - Government Emergency Ordinance No. 94/2013 of 16 October 2013 amending and supplementing Government Emergency Ordinance No. 93/2012 on the establishment, organisation and operation of the Financial Supervisory Authority, and amending and supplementing Law No. 136/1995 on insurance and reinsurance in Romania, published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, No. 643 of 18 October 2013, is hereby approved with the following amendments and supplementations:
1. Under Article I, after Point 2, a new point, Point 21, is hereby inserted and shall read as follows:
“21. Under Article 6, Paragraph (2) is hereby amended and shall read as follows:
‘(2) ASF’ regulations may be in the form of resolutions, orders, rules and instructions.’”
2. Under Article I, Point 6, under Article 9, Letter a2) is hereby amended and shall read as follows:
“a2) to have professional experience in the financial field, in the field of credit institutions and/or non-banking financial institutions, of minimum 8 years from the graduation of the education stipulated under Letter a1);”
3. Under Article I, after Point 7, four new points, Points 71-74, are hereby inserted and shall read as follows:
“71. Under Article 12, Paragraph (4) is hereby amended and shall read as follows:
‘(4) For the elimination of any inconsistencies resulting from the provisions of Art. 9, the members of ASF’s Board shall have a 30-day term following the appointment date.’
72. Under Article 14, Paragraph (1) is hereby amended and shall read as follows:
‘Art. 14. - (1) ASF’s Board shall be called by its President and/or First Vice President, whenever necessary or at the request of at least 4 of its members.’
73. Under Article16, after Paragraph (1), a new paragraph, Paragraph (2), is hereby inserted and shall read as follows:
‘(2) The joint commissions of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies referred to in Art. 8 (2) may order at any time that ASF’s activities be verified.’
74. Under Article 17, Paragraph (2) is hereby amended and shall read as follows:
‘(2) The report referred to in Para (1) shall be published by ASF, after its submission to the Parliament, in the Official Journal of Romania, Part II.’”
4. Under Article I Point 10, Article 211 is hereby amended and shall read as follows:
“Art. 211. - ASF’s Income and Expenditure Budget Execution shall be submitted to the control by the Romanian Court of Accounts.”
This law was adopted by the Parliament of Romania, in compliance with the provisions of Arts. 75 and 76 (1) of the Constitution of Romania, republished.

VALERIU-ŞTEFAN ZGONEA                                                                       on behalf of the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE
                                                                                                                                             IOAN CHELARU

Bucharest, 16 June 2015.
No. 148.


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