Bucharest, 7 June 2023 – During today's meeting, the Council of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) adopted measures on the functioning of the supervised non-bank financial markets - insurance, capital market and private pensions, as follows:
A) Authorisation
Approval of the request for approval/authorization of Mrs. Ana Maria Tripșa for a new mandate as non-executive Director, member of the Board of Directors of NN Asigurări de Viață S.A.;
Approval of Mrs. Alina Constantinescu as General Manager of Eurolife FFH Asigurări Generale S.A., following the alignment of the company with the provisions of Article II of the ASF Regulation no. 20/2021 for the amendment and supplementation of ASF Regulation no. 1/2019;
Approval of Mr. Pârvu Cătălin Vasile for a new mandate as member/Chairman of the Board of Directors of Holfin Insurance Reinsurance Broker S.A.;
Approval of the withdrawal of the shares issued by Mecanica 94 S.A. Drobeta-Turnu Severin from trading and their delisting from the ASF records, in view of the completion of the procedure provided for in Article 115 of ASF Regulation no. 5/2018, as amended;
Approval of the amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of LEA Broker de Asigurare S.R.L. (new mandate of director);
Approval of amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of Willis Towers Watson România - Broker de Asigurare-Reasigurare S.R.L. (update of the name of significant direct shareholder, introduction of new articles and amendment of existing articles);
Approval of the suspension, upon request, of the operating licence of the brokerage company Safeways International Broker de Asigurare S.R.L.;
Approval of the withdrawal, upon request, of the operating licence of the brokerage company Asigent Broker de Asigurare S.R.L., as well as its removal from Section I and transfer to Section II of the Register of Main Intermediaries.
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